【はじめに】新卒看護師は,臨床場面においてさまざまなリアリティショックを経験しており,早期に臨床現場への適応がなされるためには,基礎教育と継続教育が連動して教育プログラムを構築することが必要である。本研究では,卒業後の臨床現場への適応につながる,基礎教育における臨地実習のあり方を検討するため,新卒看護師のリアリティショックの構造を明らかにすることとした。【方法】2005年度のA看護大学卒業生を対象に,半構成的面接を行った。(調査期間:2005年10月〜2006年1月)。面接内容は対象者の承諾を得て録音し,逐語録を作成した。面接では,文献検討の結果から導いた,7項目(「基本的看護業務遂行能力の獲得」「職場の人間関係の調整」「さまざまなケアへの対応能力の発達」「勤務形態への適応」「仕事と自己 の価値観の調和」「対患者コミュニケーション」「その他」)について,回答を得た。逐語録は,質問項目に沿って内容分析を行い,複数の分析により妥当性を確保した。【結果】22名(30.
埋葬の上位10校6%)にインタビューを行った。新卒看護師は,「想定外・急変時・未経験・標準的でないケアへの対応」「受け持ち患者数の多さ」「患者・家族とのコミュニケーションの困難」「職場と自分の看護観の相違」「他職種との協働におけるとまどい」「先輩看護師との人間関係」等でリアリティショックの経験をしている構造が明らかになった。看護基礎教育課程での「複数・多重課題に対処する演習」「与薬技術の実践経験」「基本的マナーの習得」等の必要性が明らかになった。【考察】新卒看護師は,過去に経験したことがないために生ずる多くのリアリティショックを体験していた。これらは,新卒看護師自身が経験の中で対応していく問題,基礎教育で準備・対応すべき内容,臨� �実習で準備可能な内容を含み,これらを踏まえた教育プログラム作成の必要性が示唆された。
Introduction: Newly graduated nurses experience various forms of reality shock in clinical settings, and there is a necessity for the formulation of education programs that combine basic education and continuing education in order to facilitate rapid responses in clinical settings. Practical clinical training that takes place as part of basic education for nurses is related to their ability to adapt to clinical settings following graduation. The aim of this study was to clarify the composition of reality shock experienced by new nursing graduates in order to closely examine the form and structure of ideal practical training. Method: We conducted semi-structured interviews with students graduating from A. nursing college in 2005 (period of study: October 2005-January 2006). Subject to the approval of the participants, audio recordings and transcripts of the interviews were created.
htmlのレッスンプランを教える方法During the interviews, answers were obtained in relation to the following seven themes which were decided upon based on a review of the literature: acquisition of the ability to perform basic nursing duties, dealing with personal relationships in the workplace, developing the ability to provide various types of care, adapting to conditions of employment, reconciling work and personal values, communication with patients, and other issues. Results: Interviews were conducted with 22 participants. It was discovered that reality shock experienced by new nursing graduates was composed of elements that included the following: the provision of patient care in unexpected situations, when sudden changes in conditions occurred, and in areas in which the graduates had no experience, and the provision of nonstandard forms of care; large numbers of patients under their care; difficulties in communicating with patients and their families; differences between the reality of the workplace and personal views of nursing; confusion with regards to cooperating with other medical professionals; and personal relationships with senior nurses. This clarified the need for the inclusion of the following in basic nursing education courses: practical exercises that deal with multiple complex issues; practical experience in techniques for administering medicines, the acquisition of basic manners, and other issues. Conclusion: New graduate nurse experienced many forms of reality shock because they had not experienced such situations in the past. It is necessary to create education programs that take into consideration problems that new graduate nurses may have to deal with as part of their own experience, issues that should be prepared for or dealt with as part of basic education, and issues that can be prepared for through practical clinical training.
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